Pattern synonyms
- M. Pickering, G. Érdi, S. Peyton Jones, R. Eisenberg: Pattern Synonyms: our paper from Haskell Symposium 2016
- Slides from my Haskell Symposium 2016 talk
Symbolic execution
- G. Érdi: An Adventure in Symbolic Execution (extended abstract): a brief experience report on checking text adventure games for soluability using SMT solvers. My talk from IFL 2020 is on YouTube. I also did a much more extended version of this talk at the Berlin Functional Programming meetup; here are the slides from that version and here is the recording.
Syntax-generic programming
- G. Érdi: Generic Description of Well-Scoped, Well-Typed Syntaxes: never write a substitution proof for your particular extended lambda calculus manually ever again!
- Agda library implementation of the above paper
Compositional type checking
- G. Érdi: Compositional Type Checking for Hindley-Milner Type Systems with Ad-hoc Polymorphism: My 2011 MSc thesis
- The case for compositional type checking: an introductory blog post explaining the basic difference between linear and compositional type systems
- Defence presentation
- Slides and video recording from my talk at Haskell.SG in 2016, based on a new implementation that aims for simplicity and understandability