-- The Agda standard library
-- IO

{-# OPTIONS --no-termination-check #-}

module IO where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.String
open import Data.Colist
open import Function
import IO.Primitive as Prim
open import Level

-- The IO monad

-- One cannot write "infinitely large" computations with the
-- postulated IO monad in IO.Primitive without turning off the
-- termination checker (or going via the FFI, or perhaps abusing
-- something else). The following coinductive deep embedding is
-- introduced to avoid this problem. Possible non-termination is
-- isolated to the run function below.

infixl 1 _>>=_ _>>_

data IO {a} (A : Set a) : Set (suc a) where
  lift   : (m : Prim.IO A)  IO A
  return : (x : A)  IO A
  _>>=_  : {B : Set a} (m :  (IO B)) (f : (x : B)   (IO A))  IO A
  _>>_   : {B : Set a} (m₁ :  (IO B)) (m₂ :  (IO A))  IO A

-- The use of abstract ensures that the run function will not be
-- unfolded infinitely by the type checker.


  run :  {a} {A : Set a}  IO A  Prim.IO A
  run (lift m)   = m
  run (return x) = Prim.return x
  run (m  >>= f) = Prim._>>=_ (run ( m )) λ x  run ( (f x))
  run (m₁ >> m₂) = Prim._>>=_ (run ( m₁)) λ _  run ( m₂)

-- Utilities

sequence :  {a} {A : Set a}  Colist (IO A)  IO (Colist A)
sequence []       = return []
sequence (c  cs) =  c                  >>= λ x  
                     ( sequence ( cs) >>= λ xs 
                     return (x   xs))

-- The reason for not defining sequence′ in terms of sequence is
-- efficiency (the unused results could cause unnecessary memory use).

sequence′ :  {a} {A : Set a}  Colist (IO A)  IO (Lift )
sequence′ []       = return _
sequence′ (c  cs) =  c                   >>
                      ( sequence′ ( cs) >>
                      return _)

mapM :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
       (A  IO B)  Colist A  IO (Colist B)
mapM f = sequence  map f

mapM′ : {A B : Set}  (A  IO B)  Colist A  IO (Lift )
mapM′ f = sequence′  map f

-- Simple lazy IO

-- Note that the semantics of these functions depends on the version
-- of the Haskell base library. If the version is (or later?),
-- then the functions use the character encoding specified by the
-- locale. For older versions of the library (going back to at least
-- version 3) the functions use ISO-8859-1.

getContents : IO Costring
getContents = lift Prim.getContents

readFile : String  IO Costring
readFile f = lift (Prim.readFile f)

writeFile∞ : String  Costring  IO 
writeFile∞ f s =
   lift (Prim.writeFile f s) >>
   return _

writeFile : String  String  IO 
writeFile f s = writeFile∞ f (toCostring s)

appendFile∞ : String  Costring  IO 
appendFile∞ f s =
   lift (Prim.appendFile f s) >>
   return _

appendFile : String  String  IO 
appendFile f s = appendFile∞ f (toCostring s)

putStr∞ : Costring  IO 
putStr∞ s =
   lift (Prim.putStr s) >>
   return _

putStr : String  IO 
putStr s = putStr∞ (toCostring s)

putStrLn∞ : Costring  IO 
putStrLn∞ s =
   lift (Prim.putStrLn s) >>
   return _

putStrLn : String  IO 
putStrLn s = putStrLn∞ (toCostring s)