-- Types used (only) when calling out to Haskell via the FFI

module Foreign.Haskell where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Colist as C using ([]; _∷_)

-- Simple types

-- A unit type.

data Unit : Set where
  unit : Unit

{-# COMPILED_DATA Unit () () #-}

-- Potentially infinite lists.

infixr 5 _∷_

codata Colist (A : Set) : Set where
  []  : Colist A
  _∷_ : (x : A) (xs : Colist A)  Colist A

{-# COMPILED_DATA Colist [] [] (:) #-}

fromColist :  {A}  C.Colist A  Colist A
fromColist []       = []
fromColist (x  xs) = x  fromColist ( xs)

toColist :  {A}  Colist A  C.Colist A
toColist []       = []
toColist (x  xs) = x   toColist xs