-- Types used to make recursive arguments coinductive

-- See Data.Colist for examples of how this type is used, or
-- http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.agda/633 for a longer
-- explanation.

module Coinduction where

infix 10 ♯_ ♯₁_

codata  (T : Set) : Set where
  ♯_ : (x : T)   T

 :  {T}   T  T
 ( x) = x

-- Variant for Set₁.

codata ∞₁ (T : Set₁) : Set₁ where
  ♯₁_ : (x : T)  ∞₁ T

♭₁ :  {T}  ∞₁ T  T
♭₁ (♯₁ x) = x