module STLC.Examples where

open import Data.Fin
open import Function using (_$_)

-- Our base types -- these could be anything. We don't really care here.
postulate A B : Set

module Embedded where
  open import STLC.Embedded

  ID : A  A
  ID = eval₀ $ lam $ var zero

  CONST : A  B  A
  CONST = eval₀ $ lam $ lam $ var (suc zero)

-- But let's do it without the shortcut. Our universe of base types is very simple:
U : Set
U = Fin 2

open import Data.Vec

El : U  Set
El k = lookup k (A  B  [])

-- it even has a decidable equality!
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.Core

isDecEquivalence : IsDecEquivalence {A = U} _≡_
isDecEquivalence = DecSetoid.isDecEquivalence (decSetoid _)
  open import Data.Fin.Props

open import STLC.Typing using (Type; el)

⟪A⟫ ⟪B⟫ : Type U
⟪A⟫ = el (# 0)
⟪B⟫ = el (# 1)

open import STLC.Syntax (Type U)
module Raw where
  ID CONST : Expr -- Look ma, no types!
  ID = lam ("x"  ⟪A⟫) $ var "x"
  CONST = lam ("x"  ⟪A⟫) $ lam ("y"  ⟪B⟫) $ var "x"

module Embed where
  open import Relation.Binary
  open import STLC.Semantics {U} isDecEquivalence El

  ID : A  A
  ID = semantics Raw.ID

  CONST : A  B  A
  CONST = semantics Raw.CONST