module Data.Fin.Subset.Props where
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec hiding (_∈_)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Function
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Fin.Subset
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
drop-there : ∀ {s n x} {p : Subset n} → suc x ∈ s ∷ p → x ∈ p
drop-there (there x∈p) = x∈p
drop-∷-⊆ : ∀ {n s₁ s₂} {p₁ p₂ : Subset n} → s₁ ∷ p₁ ⊆ s₂ ∷ p₂ → p₁ ⊆ p₂
drop-∷-⊆ p₁s₁⊆p₂s₂ x∈p₁ = drop-there $ p₁s₁⊆p₂s₂ (there x∈p₁)
drop-∷-Empty : ∀ {n s} {p : Subset n} → Empty (s ∷ p) → Empty p
drop-∷-Empty ¬¬∅ (x , x∈p) = ¬¬∅ (suc x , there x∈p)
allInside : ∀ {n} (x : Fin n) → x ∈ all inside
allInside zero = here
allInside (suc x) = there (allInside x)
allOutside : ∀ {n} (x : Fin n) → x ∉ all outside
allOutside zero ()
allOutside (suc x) (there x∈) = allOutside x x∈
⊆⊇⟶≡ : ∀ {n} {p₁ p₂ : Subset n} →
p₁ ⊆ p₂ → p₂ ⊆ p₁ → p₁ ≡ p₂
⊆⊇⟶≡ = helper _ _
helper : ∀ {n} (p₁ p₂ : Subset n) →
p₁ ⊆ p₂ → p₂ ⊆ p₁ → p₁ ≡ p₂
helper [] [] _ _ = refl
helper (s₁ ∷ p₁) (s₂ ∷ p₂) ₁⊆₂ ₂⊆₁ with ⊆⊇⟶≡ (drop-∷-⊆ ₁⊆₂)
(drop-∷-⊆ ₂⊆₁)
helper (outside ∷ p) (outside ∷ .p) ₁⊆₂ ₂⊆₁ | refl = refl
helper (inside ∷ p) (inside ∷ .p) ₁⊆₂ ₂⊆₁ | refl = refl
helper (outside ∷ p) (inside ∷ .p) ₁⊆₂ ₂⊆₁ | refl with ₂⊆₁ here
... | ()
helper (inside ∷ p) (outside ∷ .p) ₁⊆₂ ₂⊆₁ | refl with ₁⊆₂ here
... | ()
∅⟶allOutside : ∀ {n} {p : Subset n} →
Empty p → p ≡ all outside
∅⟶allOutside {p = []} ¬¬∅ = refl
∅⟶allOutside {p = s ∷ ps} ¬¬∅ with ∅⟶allOutside (drop-∷-Empty ¬¬∅)
∅⟶allOutside {p = outside ∷ .(all outside)} ¬¬∅ | refl = refl
∅⟶allOutside {p = inside ∷ .(all outside)} ¬¬∅ | refl =
⊥-elim (¬¬∅ (zero , here))