module Data.Digit where
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open SemiringSolver
open import Data.Fin as Fin using (Fin; zero; suc; toℕ)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Data.Char using (Char)
open import Data.List
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec; _∷_; [])
open import Induction.Nat
open import Data.Nat.DivMod
open ≤-Reasoning
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Function
lem : ∀ x k r → 2 + x ≤′ r + (1 + x) * (2 + k)
lem x k r = ≤⇒≤′ $ begin
2 + x
≤⟨ m≤m+n _ _ ⟩
2 + x + (x + (1 + x) * k + r)
≡⟨ solve 3 (λ x r k → con 2 :+ x :+ (x :+ (con 1 :+ x) :* k :+ r)
r :+ (con 1 :+ x) :* (con 2 :+ k))
refl x r k ⟩
r + (1 + x) * (2 + k)
Digit : ℕ → Set
Digit b = Fin b
Decimal = Digit 10
Bit = Digit 2
0b : Bit
0b = zero
1b : Bit
1b = suc zero
digitChars : Vec Char 16
digitChars =
'0' ∷ '1' ∷ '2' ∷ '3' ∷ '4' ∷ '5' ∷ '6' ∷ '7' ∷ '8' ∷ '9' ∷
'a' ∷ 'b' ∷ 'c' ∷ 'd' ∷ 'e' ∷ 'f' ∷ []
showDigit : ∀ {base} {base≤16 : True (base ≤? 16)} →
Digit base → Char
showDigit {base≤16 = base≤16} d =
Vec.lookup (Fin.inject≤ d (witnessToTruth base≤16)) digitChars
fromDigits : ∀ {base} → List (Fin base) → ℕ
fromDigits [] = 0
fromDigits {base} (d ∷ ds) = toℕ d + fromDigits ds * base
data Digits (base : ℕ) : ℕ → Set where
digits : (ds : List (Fin base)) → Digits base (fromDigits ds)
toDigits : (base : ℕ) {base≥2 : True (2 ≤? base)} (n : ℕ) →
Digits base n
toDigits zero {base≥2 = ()} _
toDigits (suc zero) {base≥2 = ()} _
toDigits (suc (suc k)) n = <-rec Pred helper n
base = suc (suc k)
Pred = Digits base
cons : ∀ {n} (r : Fin base) → Pred n → Pred (toℕ r + n * base)
cons r (digits ds) = digits (r ∷ ds)
helper : ∀ n → <-Rec Pred n → Pred n
helper n rec with n divMod base
helper .(toℕ r + 0 * base) rec | result zero r = digits (r ∷ [])
helper .(toℕ r + suc x * base) rec | result (suc x) r =
cons r (rec (suc x) (lem (pred (suc x)) k (toℕ r)))
theDigits : (base : ℕ) {base≥2 : True (2 ≤? base)} (n : ℕ) →
List (Fin base)
theDigits base {base≥2} n with toDigits base {base≥2} n
theDigits base .(fromDigits ds) | digits ds = ds