module Quotient.Product where

open import Quotient
open import Relation.Binary
open import Function
open import Algebra.FunctionProperties using (Op₁; Op₂)

  module Dummy₁ {c l} {A : Setoid c l} where
    open Setoid A renaming (Carrier to A₀)

    lift₁ : (f : Op₁ A₀)  f Preserves _≈_  _≈_
           Op₁ (Quotient A)
    lift₁ f P = rec _ ([_]  f)  x≈y  [ P x≈y ]-cong)
open Dummy₁ public

open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ([_])
open import Relation.Binary.Product.Pointwise

_×-quot_ :  {c l c′ l′}  (A : Setoid c l)  (B : Setoid c′ l′)  Set _
A ×-quot B = Quotient (A ×-setoid B)

  open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (Extensionality)
  open import Level using (suc) renaming (zero to ℓ₀)
    extensionality :  { ℓ′}  Extensionality  ℓ′

curry-quot :  {c  ℓ′}   {A B : Setoid c } {C : Set ℓ′}
            (A ×-quot B  C)  (Quotient A  Quotient B  C)
curry-quot {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} f =
  rec _ f₁  x∼y  extensionality (elim _  t  lem x∼y t)  x∼y  proof-irrelevance _ _)))
  module SA = Setoid A
  module SB = Setoid B
  module SP = Setoid (A ×-setoid B)

  f₁ : Setoid.Carrier A  Quotient B  C
  f₁ x = rec _  t  f [ x , t ])  t≈u  cong f [ SA.refl , t≈u ]-cong)

  lem : {x y : Setoid.Carrier A}  (x∼y : SA._≈_ x y)   t  f₁ x [ t ]  f₁ y [ t ]
  lem {x} {y} x∼y t = cong f [ (x∼y , SB.refl) ]-cong

  module Dummy₂ {c l} {A : Setoid c l} where
    open Setoid A renaming (Carrier to A₀)

    lift₂ : (f : Op₂ A₀)  f Preserves₂ _≈_  _≈_  _≈_
           Op₂ (Quotient A)
    lift₂ f P = curry-quot f′
      f′ : A ×-quot A  Quotient A
      f′ = rec _ ([_]  uncurry f)  {xt} {yu} eq  [ (P (proj₁ eq) (proj₂ eq)) ]-cong)
open Dummy₂ public