Guikachu 0.3 "Attack of the Mutant Decidual Cells from Outer Space" =================================================================== Introducing the Form Editor: a GNOME Canvas-based visual editor for form resources and widgets. You can see the effect of the changes of widget parameters in real time rendered on a small, PalmOS screen-sized rectangle. Please note that the form editor is _not_ pixel-perfect, so you should always test the final results on a full-featured PalmOS emulator. Please don't file bug reports about pixel problems: it is not a goal of Guikachu to be a 100% rendering engine of PalmOS Form resoruces (it isn't even possible without using PalmOS fonts, which I don't have the rights for). The only currently supported form element is the text label widget. However, now that the form/widget infrastructure is in place, implementing more widgets will only be a matter of studying PalmOS screenshots and figuring out how to draw something closely resembling it. New features: * Support for Form resources * Form editor * Supported widgets: label * Trying to open an unaccessible or non-existant file no longer creates a segmentation fault * Fixed error in loading of the `vendor' property of application resources * Keyboard navigation in the main window: enter opens up the property editor, delete removes resource * Miniscule UI tweaks * Translations (in alphabetical order): de (Christian Meyer), hu (me), ru (Valek Flippinov), sv (Christian Rose), tr (Ozgur Dogan Gunes) Due to a bug in the current release, you can only open the property editor for widgets from the widget tree (double click on a tree item on page 2 of the form editor window). This will likely get fixed in the next release.