Guikachu 0.10 "The Mamimi I never had" ====================================== Both small UI improvements, the new Text Field widget, and internal fixes are included in this new release, that hopefully brings Guikachu back on the track of frequent releases. New features: * New supported widget: Text fields * Played around with some widget renderers, so they are closer (in some cases, 100% close) to the real PalmOS displays * Widget icons are now displayed in the form editor's widget tree, and its selection is synchronized with the preview's selection * The selected widget in the form editor is indicated by a bounding box * Sticky palette selection: hold Control while clicking on a palette button to make it pressed until another palette button is selected * Texts are properly clipped for undersized widgets * guikachu2rcp safety fixes * The wonderful Guikachu icon is now displayed in the launcher icons